Understanding setTimeout and setInterval in JavaScript⌚⌛

Understanding setTimeout and setInterval in JavaScript⌚⌛

JavaScript is a synchronous and single-threaded language, which means it can only execute one task at a time. However, sometimes we need to perform some tasks that are asynchronous, such as fetching data from an API, updating the UI, or running some animations. How can we do that in JavaScript?

One way to achieve asynchronous behavior in JavaScript is by using timing events. These are methods that allow us to schedule a function to run at a certain time in the future, without blocking the main thread. There are two main timing events in JavaScript: setTimeout and setInterval.

What is setTimeout?

setTimeout is a method that allows you to execute a function after a specified delay (in milliseconds). The syntax is as follows:

setTimeout(callback, delay);

The parameters are:

  • callback: This is the function that you want to execute after the delay.

  • delay: This is the time in milliseconds (ms) that the function should wait before execution. The default value is 0, which means the function will run as soon as possible.


Suppose you want to display a simple message after 3 seconds. Let's see how you can do that using setTimeout:

function showMessage() {
  console.log("Hello, this is a delayed message!");

const delay = 3000; // 3 seconds

setTimeout(showMessage, delay);

In the above code, the showMessage function will be executed after a delay of 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds).


setInterval is a method that allows you to repeatedly execute a function at a specified interval (in milliseconds). The syntax is as follows:

setInterval(callback, interval);
  • callback: This is the function that you want to execute repeatedly.

  • interval: This is the time in milliseconds (ms) between each execution of the function.


Let's create a simple counter that increments every second using setInterval:

let count = 0;

function incrementCounter() {
  console.log("Counter: " + count);

const interval = 1000; // 1 second

const timerId = setInterval(incrementCounter, interval);

In the above code, the incrementCounter function will be called every 1 second (1000 milliseconds), and the counter will keep incrementing.

Stopping setTimeout and setInterval:

Both setTimeout and setInterval return a timer identifier that can be used to stop the scheduled tasks using clearTimeout and clearInterval, respectively.

function stopTimer() {
  console.log("Timer stopped!");

setTimeout(stopTimer, 10000); // Stop the setInterval after 10 seconds

In the above code, we use clearInterval to stop the repetitive execution after 10 seconds.

Differences ^_^:

PurposeExecutes a function after a specified delayRepeatedly executes a function at a specified interval
Single/Repetitive ExecutionExecutes the callback function onceExecutes the callback function repeatedly
UsageActions that should happen after a delayTasks that need to be performed regularly
ParameterssetTimeout(callback, delay);setInterval(callback, interval);
Delay/IntervalTime in milliseconds before executionTime in milliseconds between each execution

How to use setTimeout and setInterval in JavaScript?

There are many use cases for using setTimeout and setInterval in JavaScript. For example, we can use them to:

  • Create animations or transitions by changing the CSS properties of an element over time.

  • Implement countdowns or timers by updating the text content of an element every second.

  • Implement debouncing or throttling techniques by delaying or limiting the frequency of calling a function.

  • Implement polling or long-polling techniques by sending requests to a server at regular intervals.

Here are some examples of how to use setTimeout and setInterval in JavaScript:

Example 1: Creating an animation

In this example, we will use setInterval to create a simple animation of a moving ball. We will change the left position of the ball element every 10 milliseconds by adding 1 pixel to it. We will also check if the ball reaches the right edge of the container element and stop the animation if it does.

<div id="container">
  <div id="ball"></div>
#container {
  width: 500px;
  height: 100px;
  border: 1px solid black;

#ball {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  background-color: red;
  position: relative;
// Get the elements
let container = document.getElementById("container");
let ball = document.getElementById("ball");

// Get the initial position of the ball
let position = ball.offsetLeft;

// Define a function to move the ball
function moveBall() {
  // Increase the position by 1 pixel
  position += 1;

  // Set the new position of the ball
  ball.style.left = position + "px";

  // Check if the ball reaches the right edge of the container
  if (position >= container.offsetWidth - ball.offsetWidth) {
    // Stop the animation

// Set an interval to run the function every 10 milliseconds
let timerId = setInterval(moveBall, 10);

In this example, we want to create a simple animation of a moving ball. We have a container element with a fixed width and height, and a ball element with a circular shape and a relative position. We want the ball to move from left to right inside the container until it reaches the right edge.

To achieve this, we use the setInterval method to schedule a function that will run every 10 milliseconds. This function will do the following:

  • Get the current position of the ball by using the offsetLeft property, which returns the number of pixels from the left edge of the container.

  • Increase the position by 1 pixel by adding 1 to it.

  • Set the new position of the ball by using the style.left property, which sets the left offset of the element relative to its parent. We need to add “px” to the position value to make it a valid CSS unit.

  • Check if the ball reaches the right edge of the container by comparing the position with the width of the container minus the width of the ball. We use the offsetWidth property to get the width of an element, including its border and padding.

  • If the ball reaches the right edge, we stop the animation by using the clearInterval method and passing it the timer identifier that was returned by setInterval.

By doing this, we create an illusion of movement by changing the position of the ball element every 10 milliseconds.

Example 2: Implementing a countdown

In this example, we will use setInterval to implement a simple countdown from 10 to 0. We will display the remaining time in an element and update it every second. We will also check if the time reaches zero and stop the countdown if it does.

<div id="countdown">10</div>
// Get the element
let countdown = document.getElementById("countdown");

// Get the initial time
let time = parseInt(countdown.textContent);

// Define a function to update the time
function updateTime() {
  // Decrease the time by 1 second
  time -= 1;

  // Set the new time in the element
  countdown.textContent = time;

  // Check if the time reaches zero
  if (time === 0) {
    // Stop the countdown
    // Show a message
    alert("Time's up!");

// Set an interval to run the function every second
let timerId = setInterval(updateTime, 1000);

In this example, we want to implement a simple countdown from 10 to 0. We have an element that displays the remaining time and we want to update it every second. We also want to show a message when the time is up.

To achieve this, we use the setInterval method to schedule a function that will run every second. This function will do the following:

  • Get the current time by using the textContent property, which returns or sets the text content of an element. We use parseInt to convert the text content to a number.

  • Decrease the time by 1 second by subtracting 1 from it.

  • Set the new time in the element by using the textContent property again. We don’t need to convert it back to a string, as JavaScript will do it automatically.

  • Check if the time reaches zero by comparing it with 0.

  • If the time reaches zero, we stop the countdown by using the clearInterval method and passing it the timer identifier that was returned by setInterval. We also show a message by using the alert method, which displays a dialog box with some text.

By doing this, we create a simple timer that counts down from 10 to 0 and shows an alert when it is done.


setTimeout and setInterval are useful methods that can help us create dynamic and interactive web applications, but they should be used with caution and moderation. We should always remember to clear the timers when they are no longer needed, and avoid creating too many timers that can affect the performance of our app.

Happy learning!😍📖